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Types Of Social Work

Social work services have a lasting impact on who they reach. Invaluable services provided by a group of selfless, compassionate, professional humanitarians called social workers.

Social workers hold more than 700,000 jobs in the United States. The services they provide touch people in the middle of life’s most ominous phases. Their focus is to understand human development, behavior, and social interactions. Their goal is to enhance their lives; helping them overcome the hurdles that hold them back from health and wellness.

Social workers deal with issues including disabilities, poverty, unemployment, substance abuse, domestic conflicts, housing, and education. Social work services are provided through nonprofits, government agencies, schools, and hospitals. Social workers help people overcome issues and regain the ability to help themselves.

Social workers specialize in many different sectors. Each works to bring wellness and value to a specific population. Next, are just a few areas where social work services are making a positive difference in peoples’ lives every day.

Child welfare social workers serve children and their families in all aspects of health and wellness. They ensure that children are in safe and nurturing environments, free from harm and abuse. A child welfare social worker will intervene and protect children in dangerous situations, removing them if necessary. A child welfare social worker specializes in building a strong and healthy family unit for the betterment of the child.

Aging care social workers specialize in helping the fastest-growing segment in the U.S. population. Social workers help the elderly who no longer can safely live independently. They connect older adults to crucial programs; helping them regain their dignity and live more productive lives. Social workers in this sector ensure that our golden population is safe from harm and ensure they are receiving the best possible health and wellness services available.

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Social workers in the developmental disabilities sector make a huge difference to the child affected, and their entire family. Through counseling and guidance, parents learn to advocate for their children so they become the best version of themselves possible. Families gain access to social service programs specialized to ensure that every child receives the needed education and health services available; helping them grow and live as independently as possible.

Social workers in the school systems specialize in working with students in need; ensuring they are in the best possible emotional state to meet their educational needs. The school social worker is often the first person to notice issues a child may be experiencing. Workers in this sector are excellent communicators, who can get down on the level of a child and help them regain focus and stability. Their main focus is helping to resolve any issues and prevent and stop future problems from developing.

There are over 180,000 health care social workers in the United States. They specialize in helping individuals find answers to their health and wellness issues. Health care social workers help patients gain access to medical facilities, doctors, and mental health programs; ensuring optimal resources are exercised for 100% wellbeing. Clinical social workers are one of the nation’s largest providers of mental health services. Clinical social workers help individuals and their families experiencing depression, anxiety, relationship, and environmental issues.

Social workers in the justice and corrections sector help inmates focus on rehabilitation. Offering direction to needed services for life skills training and addiction recovery. They take a stand on their behalf with employment and housing issues.

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Social workers are as unique as the individuals they help. They are Charitable. They are compassionate. They are generous. They are social workers, and the work they do is everlasting.