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Advantages Of Timber Oak Framed Building Structures

When you are currently considering to use oak timber frames for your home or building, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of selecting timber over a masonry approach. It’s important for you to analyze the pros and cons of using timber over other types of materials.

However, whatever approach you will choose will depend on the type of project you will have, including the requirements and specifications. You also need to consider about the budget and deadlines.

If you decide to utilise oak kit frames, you should check out the following:

Easy Construction

Most of the time, the biggest factor to consider for construction is the ease of construction as well as the speed of it. Oak framed structures fall under this category. It will only take a couple of days for a timber frame building to be accomplished rather than the usual weeks when a building is built with another material.

Timber oak framed buildings undergo a dry construction process which is advantageous when you are working with a time constraint. If the frame is already watertight, you can start working on the electrical and plastering job. You’ll benefit from no delays of construction projects since the speed of the build is quicker with timber.

You can partly pre-cut and modulate it. Aside from this, there is less building debri around yo clean. You’ll save time and money.

Environmentally Friendly

Using timber from ecologically managed woodlands ensures that your structural oak beams are sustainable and renewable. The use of timber in constructing structures helps in decreasing the global warming and the density of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere. The best thing about it is that timber is good in absorbing  CO2 emissions, making it as the top option in building and house constructions.

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To put it simply, timber is non-toxic and a has a lot of advantages. Aside from this, it does not leak chemical vapor into the structure.

Great Heat Insulator

When it comes to heat insulation, timer is surely on top of the line. It  is sealed during insulation that is can effectively prevent moist air to make contact with the interior of the structure. Aside from this, it is also quicker to heat compared to other construction materials. You don’t need to pre-heat it unlike with masonry structures.

As a natural insulator, timber can greatly  reduce your energy cost dramatically. Timber allows more space for insulation  than bricks. Remember, woods have their own thermolating properties. Woods have outstanding insulating properties compared with steel since the structure contains air pockets that limit the ability to conduct heat.  

The encapsulation system works by pre-fabricating to fit the building frame to avoid wasting time on site. They are usually made from high quality materials with PIR Insulation. Using oak timber ensures the construction runs smoothly and built to last.

No Limit in Design

The relationship between the materials and the environment is vital when building a structure. If you are using Timber as  the main building material, there would be endless design and size possibilities that you can use. Aside from this, the technical and physical properties of timber are hard to match.

There are many architects and engineers who are recognizing the structural qualities of oak and timbers because of its aesthetic qualities. One perfect example is the Stockport fireplaces that clearly define the beauty of oak timber. The wooden structure looks classic and mesmerizing, making it perfect for every homes. It’s geometric proportion and presence would be successful when integrated in contemporary homes.

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You can even make use of the different types of oak timber depending on where you will use it. There are natural White Oak, Green Oak, and Cedar Oak. The best thing about it is that they are equally versatile.

Durability and Maintenance

When it comes to durability, timber tops the list. Timber can last for centuries. Aside from being cheap, it is also very easy to maintain. However, don’t be surprised if it changes color over time. If you are fond of Colne stoves, they also change color over time. Some owners doesn’t even notice it that it is changing in color.

Oak is an extremely useful and versatile building material that can be utilized for construction of houses and buildings. You can even use it for barns, garden rooms, and porches. The look is aesthetically pleasing that shows a unique character and charm that never goes out of style. It’s not only durable, but sustainable as well.