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Seven Hidden Dangers Putting Your Bare Feet at Risk

Primitive human beings walked barefoot their entire lives. In fact, there are some regions of the world where people still walk barefoot most of the time.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of risks associated with walking without footwear. Just think about all the insects and bugs that might chew on your feet.

For instance, if you were to walk on an ant hill, you’d end up with painful sores all over your feet within seconds. And if that soil is contaminated, then you run the risk of getting an infection.

But the most obvious problem comes from what you’re liable to step on with your bare feet. The ground can contain rocks, glass or any other hard debris that could injure the bottoms of your feet. Then, you might not be able to walk for days, weeks or sometimes even months.

On the other hand, there are some people who say that walking barefoot is good for your health. The biggest benefit is that it lets you ground yourself with the earth and sustain a natural balance.

Many also believe the free radicals in your body that cause inflammation can be reduced if you walk on the ground with your bare feet. The energy from the free radicals will be discharged into the earth if you walk on the soil with bare feet. The concept is known as grounding or earthing.

According to this belief, walking on soil barefoot for between 30 and 60 minutes daily.results in better sleep better and less stress.

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But is this possible benefit worth dealing with all the potential dangers of walking barefoot? In fact, many of the worst dangers are absolutely invisible to the naked eye. Check out these seven hidden biggest dangers of walking around barefoot:

1. Hookworms

If you live in a tropical or even a subtropical region of the world, you are susceptible to getting a hookworm infection. Hookworms are intestinal parasites that can cause fatigue, diarrhoea, abdominal pains and loss of appetite.

Any contaminated soil in these regions will likely contain small hookworm larvae that easily can penetrate the skin. Farmers tend to get this parasite a lot. Anyone walking on their bare feet will certainly be exposed to it.

2. Fungus

Fungal infections are quite common when you walk barefoot. Athlete’s foot is the most common fungal infection of the feet. This will lead to toenail fungus if you have dry or brittle toenails.

3. Tetanus

Tetanus is a bacterial infection that targets the nerves in your body and causes you to have extreme muscle spasms. The tetanus-causing bacteria exists in dust, soil, manure and dirt.

If you were to get a cut or open wound on your bare foot and then step on the bacteria with your injured extremity, then you will likely get infected. There is no cure for tetanus, although there is a vaccine to prevent you from getting it.

4. Threadworms

Threadworms are found in soil containing faeces. If you happen to be walking near faeces on the ground with your bare feet, then the natural chemical odour from your feet will attract these worms.

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They parasites will target the soles of your feet and will be able to enter your body if you have an open wound.

5. Animal Bites and Stings

If you live in an area with animals that like to bite, the first place they are going to want to bite is your bare feet. This will not only be a painful experience, but you will be putting your health at risk if the animal has rabies or some other disease.

Bare feet are also at risk of getting stung by insects like hornets and bees.

6. Bacteria

Bacteria exist everywhere, including in grass, soil, dirt, sand, and even water. If your bare feet are consistently exposed to moisture and water on the ground, then you could become infected with Pseudomonas bacteria.

If you step on a nail or other sharp object which punctures your flesh, the risk of infection will be even greater.

7. Exposure

Shoes help keep our feet warm in the cold, and they also protect our feet from sunlight and moisture. So, if you regularly walk barefoot outside, then you are putting your feet at risk of developing skin cancer.

Likewise, if it is too cold outside, you could put your toes at risk of becoming frostbitten. In environments that are moist or humid, you run the risk of developing athlete’s foot.

Image via Pixabay CC0 LIcense