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Which is Really Better- Bongs or Pipes?

Using bongs (glass water bongs) or dry pipes for smoking tobacco or medical cannabis has been a long time debate amongst smokers. A lot of people will always prefer smoking through a smoking pipe and many people are saying they prefer using water bongs. In attempting to write a comparison between the two, we are going to look at the pros and cons of these smoking apparatuses.

First, we will look at some techie description of the two smoking devices. A smoking pipe is basically a pipe made of wood, clay, ceramic, or glass that has a hole at one end and a hole on the other end to where you get to smoke tobacco into. While the bong is a smoking gadget that contains water and is typically utilized for smoking cannabis, tobacco, hashish and other herbal substances. You’ve guessed it! The most obvious difference between the two is that the bong has water in it to filter the smoke.

Using dry pipe for smoking is basically uncomplicated. Because the smoke you get from a dry pipe is usually warm and very harsh to the throat and lungs, it is very hard to take in a huge rip. In some cases, you might even inhale pieces of tobacco into your oral cavity simply because dry pipes pretty much have no filters in them. So in essence, you are basically smoking tobacco right into your lungs. Smoking tobacco from the bong allows you to consume a much softer smoke. This is because the smoke gets filtered first through the water before it gets to your mouth. Smoking through water bongs is much gentler for your lungs is what most people claim. Not forgetting that you get to breathe in a much larger amount of smoke that consequently allows you to have a quicker effect of smoking. Although some smokers would say that the water in the bong will also filter out some of the THC components of the hashish and medical cannabis but this is not true at all. The biggest advantage of dry pipes is that they are very easy to carry around unlike water bongs which are usually so much bigger and stouter and legally harder to travel with. Furthermore, pipes are less difficult to clean as they are much smaller sized in comparison to bongs.

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Nowadays, a lot of different varieties of glass water bongs are being sold in the mainstream market. For apparent legal causes, these smoking apparatuses are branded “for Tobacco use only”. You can even find attractively fashioned bongs being offered in the malls. Even online shops are offering these smoking devices all over. You’ll surely come across a lot of these artistic bongs, just try searching for bongs at your favorite online shop.
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