
Green Architecture, and Smart Design


Short Course on Yoga – Getting to Square 1

What are the Different Kinds of Yoga Practices and What Can We Do to Improve it?

There have been a lot of words that are being used to describe the word yoga but most persons just stick to the “Union” word or sometimes the term that yoga is used to put discipline onto a person but the actual word yoga derived from the Sanskrit word “Yui” which directly means to yoke or blind. There are two words that are used to call those that are practicing yoga and these words are yogi which is used on male practitioners and yogini which is used on female practitioners. The common western approach towards yoga does not signify and belief or religious practice at all, however the roots of yoga are still stick onto the traditional Hinduism and Brahmanism.

Yoga was originally created by seers or ascetics that were living on the most southern parts of traditional India. The seers observed the strict laws of nature and that they tried to get as close as they can to mother nature herself through studying the many aspects of nature including the animals and themselves included. The observation of the seers have created them the ability of wisdom, strength and grace because of them studying the postures and habits of mother nature as well as the animal kingdom. It was because of their determination and discipling ways of living that they were able to create and develop the practice of Yoga. Creating a diverse and different kinds of postures through sheer determination and disciplined lives were important during this phase of yoga so that they were able to keep the body lithe and enable them to endure long periods of stillness through mediation. Brahmanism was a very long time ago back to containing very sacred scriptures that were named “The Vedas”. Incantations and instructions were all found inside the scriptures. There are multiple benefits a person would be able to achieve if they are doing yoga and these persons would be able to, some of these benefits is that they would actually be able to reduce the stress levels of their body and mind at the same time. Yoga is very unique to a person because first of all, it is an eye opener for them as well as become more understanding of their selves and is able to identify and cope with their strengths and weaknesses.

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Yoga is amazing in terms of back pain because due to the movement that the body does during yoga that it is able to move more freely than before. Yoga is able to provide things that in which others cannot.

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