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Writing Clues For Your Scavenger Hunt Riddles It is true that writing scavenger hunt riddles look hard and an impossible task to do but, it does not actually need to be that way. With a little bit of forethought, your imagination and ability to search the web, this will enable you to make riddles of your own and at the same time, have fun in doing so. Actually, there are few tips that you will take into account. Tip number 1. Get organized – sit down and jot down the list of the hiding places you’ll be using. If the hunt will be done in the house, then hiding spots can be under the coffee table, bathtub, under the bed or in a microwave. Outside, you may put the clues in the mailbox, birdhouse, under the flowerpot or just somewhere on front porch.
Why Hunts Aren’t As Bad As You Think
Just keep in mind that it does not matter where is the hunt is held or where the hiding locations would be, just write it down on your list. It is preferable if you are going to have at least 10 before proceeding to the next tip.
If You Read One Article About Riddles, Read This One
Tip number 2. Come up with references of the hiding location – in dictionaries, riddle is described either as a question or statement that exercises the ingenuity of the person to answer or discover its meaning. When you are writing clues for your riddles, you have to come up with several ways of referencing the location either in a subtle or complex way that will depend on age of hunters but, you must do this without obviously giving the answer. Tip number 3. Look for free clipart to add clues – this is something that you have to do if you like to give a twist on your scavenger hunt riddles. You can take a couple of rebus clues in giving it varieties. Well simply put, rebus is the representation of phrases or even words by making use of pictures. For basic example of this, you can use an apple picture minus the picture of ape and then add a picture of ant, which will be equivalent to the word plant. Well, the key in writing riddles is thinking of what popular things may be associated with them and about your hiding places. Then with just a bit of research on Google, you will have a quick list of some challenging and fun scavenger hunt riddle clues that’s written before knowing it. Writing clues for a scavenger hunt riddle is not a walk in the park yes but, nothing is impossible if you’ll follow these tips. Ultimately, you can get to make one of the best and exciting scavenger hunts that everyone will surely take part in.

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