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Home Upgrades We Can’t Live Without

We took out a mortgage when we bought our new house because we wanted to make some much needed repairs to the place before we settled in to live in the house. It seemed natural, to our lenders, for a couple to want to make repairs on a property they intend to purchase, so our loans were approved without delay since we had good credit between us. It wasn’t the first time we decided to buy a property together, so we had the notion that we could take out this extra mortgage to get the adequate repairs we wanted. I’m glad we decided to upgrade some of the rooms in our home because we would have had a lot of trouble adapting to things the way the house was when we bought it.

When we bought our old home in the next neighborhood closer to the city, we were lucky that the last owner had already made such upgrades to lighting fixtures and other aspects of the home that we wanted to make when we bought our new house. We didn’t want to downgrade from what we were already used to experiencing in life. Although we didn’t need to live in luxury, we did like to experience certain finer aspects of life. My wife likes to soak in a hot tub to relax, for instance. She doesn’t make many expenditures in life, such as going out for drinks. I think paying for the hot tub is cheaper than buying cocktails every night.

We added the amenity of the hot tub before we moved in, and we had a contractor replace our lighting fixtures. We have a nice chandelier hanging in the hallway when you walk in through the front door. I have heard that this is great feng shui because it welcomes guests into your home. We also took time to make the kitchen and bathrooms look more appealing. There were uncovered pipes in each of these rooms, which is something we weren’t used to seeing. We covered the pipes with granite counter tops, and we even switched out the old sinks for copper sinks. We’re happier using these beautiful fixtures than using the old ones that came with the home.

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Everything looks great in our home now, but we’re expecting a child in the fall, so we don’t know if we’re going to be able to keep things looking the way they do. As things fall apart we’re going to have to make arrangements to replace or fix things, so we’ve kept some of thee money we took out to make repairs in a savings account. If anything goes wrong with our home, we won’t have to take any more loans to fix things. I’m hoping that money will be kept to the side until we need it for our child in a few years. It’s already a lovely home, but we’re excited to fill this house with more cheer. We’re making our home a beautiful dream come true.