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8 Tips For Choosing A Strategic Home Location For The Most Effective Investment

One of the safest types of investment of all time is investment in property, including housing. However, before investing money, you must know the strategic location of the house for investment. Investments are made by many people as a way to manage their money so it is not wasted. Investing in property is done by many people, because it is one of the safest types of investment. Called the safest because the price of land will continue to rise, while the existence of land is unlikely to increase.

Therefore, as time goes by, house prices are increasingly soaring. To increase our income, we can rent out or sell the houses we have bought. Even so, we must still be careful in investing in property, especially when it comes to location. If we choose the wrong location, our investment will definitely end in vain.

1. Access to Home

The strategic location of the house has easy access to various places.

In addition, it is very good if the house can be accessed using a private vehicle, either a motorbike or a car .

As a suggestion, don’t let Sahabat 99 choose a house located on a narrow street, because it will make mobility difficult.

In addition, make sure that public transportation access to the residential area is also quite easy.

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If you are far from public transportation, it will certainly make it difficult for you or the person who rents your house to move.

2. Location of the house near public facilities

One of the requirements for a strategic location to invest is close to public facilities, such as hospitals, schools, playgrounds, and others.

These public facilities will certainly help you in your activities or fulfill your needs.

Houses that are close to public facilities must be in great demand by people, so the price will increase over time.

Of course this is very good if you rent out a house in the area.

3. Far from Disaster

Tips for choosing a strategic home location next is to pay attention to the environmental conditions of a housing.

Avoid buying a strategic home in an area prone to flooding and landslides.

If a flood occurs, it will certainly make it difficult for you because you have to evacuate often.

In addition, areas that are already well-known as flood locations certainly have an impact on house prices .

Instead of profit, your investment in the house is actually harming yourself.

Of course, no one wants to invest in property or rent a house in a flooded area, right?

4. Very Good Home Location Security

Of course, no one wants to live in a thief-prone area, right?

You must ensure that the location where you invest has a high level of security.

When surveying the location of the house, you can ask the residents in the housing about the security of the housing.

If you want a high level of security, you can invest in cluster housing that has a one-gate system and 24-hour security guards.

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The higher the level of security, the greater the amount of money to invest.

5. Home Location Near Business Center

One of the requirements for a house that has a significant price increase is to be close to a business center .

Being close to the business center means being close to the center of economic activity, where the mobility of people, buying and selling transactions, and others are in the area.

The area that is close to the business center also means that the area will create a lot of job opportunities.

With the increase in people’s activities, of course the need for a place to live will be higher.

Buying a house close to the current business center is relatively more expensive.

Alternatively, you can choose the location of the house close to the new business center that will be built.

As a suggestion, read the news about developments in the city where you live.

Usually local governments often campaign for the direction of development for the next five years through the mass media.

This will help you determine the location of property investment.

6. The location of the house near tourist attractions

Besides being close to the business center, you can also choose a house location close to tourist attractions .

In tourist attractions, of course there will be a lot of economic activity.

This will make the price of the land and house you buy increase significantly.

You can rent the house to tourists who are on vacation or employees at tourist attractions near your home.

Therefore, buying a house near tourist attractions is one of the best ways to invest in property.

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7. Availability of Electricity and Water

Not only the problem of strategic location, but also the completeness of public facilities in a residential area must be met.

Two types of needs that should not be overlooked are the need for electricity and water.

Therefore, do not rush to be tempted by cheap house prices and good designs.

Check the availability of water and electricity at home when buying a house

8. Supporting Facilities

The last tip for choosing a strategic home location is to pay attention to the supporting facilities around the house that you are going to buy.

The supporting facilities are in the form of prayer rooms, minimarkets , or food stalls.

If these facilities are met, it will make it easier for people to do their activities, right?