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What You Shouldn’t Expect from a Moving Company

Although it is beneficial to hire movers to minimize the stress of relocation, it is important to know what you should not expect from the company from the very start of the hiring process. Moving companies denver provide an array of relocation services for homeowners and businesses. These professionals can also move furniture, pianos, artwork, and any of your other prized possessions. Some companies offer full-service moves that include furniture breakdown and packing services.

If you are moving appliances, be sure they’re uninstalled and ready to go when the movers arrive. Movers are not electricians or plumbers and will not disconnect or otherwise uninstall any appliance, whether it is a dishwasher, a range, or other items. Furthermore, they cannot install these items at the new location, even if you’ve hired them for a full-service move. Make plans to have a professional reinstall the appliances at your new location.

Moving companies are hired to pack your belongings onto a moving truck to transport it to another location where it is then unloaded and placed inside the home. If you opt for a full-service move, they’ll also reassemble furniture, move it into the corresponding room, etc. The movers are not there to babysit the kids, to play with the pets, or to carry on conversations. Of course, friendliness and professionalism go hand-in-hand, but keep the conversation to a minimal since the movers are there to do a job. Be sure to plan activities for the kids to keep them out of the way and free from boredom during the day of the move.

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Don’t ask the movers to help you transport hazardous or illegal materials. It might come as a surprise to learn that people have asked for a moving company to assist them in moving such items on more than one occasion. Not only will the movers decline this request, you may be subject to arrest if they decide to inform the police department of your intentions and/or moving request. Unless you dream of jail, it is best to avoid this scenario altogether.

Jewelry, cash, antiques, and guns are all risky to move from one location to another. As result, most moving companies will not touch these items. Some moving companies do offer specialty moving services that may help you relocate some of these items. However, it is probably best to handle relocation of your own cash, jewelry, and guns due to insurance issues and the potential risks involved should a moving company handle the task.

Moving companies are there to make life simple when you’re relocating from one location to the next. And while they offer a broad range of services to accommodate most every moving need and can move most everything that is inside your home or business, they, too, have limits and cannot handle every single request or wish of every single customer. Do not pressure the movers to accommodate needs which are beyond their realm of expertise or legality and enjoy a smooth, stress-free, safe move.