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What I Can Teach You About Investigators

A Guide to Insurance Fraud Surveillance

The reason for the increase in premiums Is primarily due to false or exaggerated personal injury fraud claims covering home, motor, and business accident policies. While some people really get hurt in a car accident, the thing that makes them fraudulent is that they exaggerate their injuries and they are dishonest when it comes to the amount of time it took for them to recover. It is true that if you suffer injury from a car accident you will compensated for damages but it becomes insurance fraud, if you want to get more compensation, and you exaggerate your injury or you lie about the number of days it took you to recover from the injury. As an investigator and surveillance specialist, it is very important that these claims should be validated. Any insurance claims that people make should now be validated by an investigator or surveillance. Today, insurance companies hire their own in-house investigators and surveillance teams to investigate every person that claims insurance on injuries. Insurance fraud affects all and cheats have to be found out since we pay more because of them. Everyone is affected by insurance fraud, and the good clients have to pay more because of them so these people who claim insurance fraudulently should be found out and punished. If a claimant is discovered to be genuine, then insurance companies must look after their welfare.

Today insurance fraud investigators do surveillance work on people who are not trust as genuine claimants, and everything that they do daily are being reported to their client. The industry has changed how fraud investigators conduct their surveillance; since then the private investigator was allowed to entrap the subject but this is not longer practiced. During an investigation you should not create any circumstance which may encourage or enforce any person subject of an enquiry to engage in activity which may be harmful to their interests and at all times you should perform your duties in a lawful and ethical manner. An investigator should not make unnecessary circumstances that will make the subject of iniquity engage In an activity which is harmful to their interest, and the private investigator has to always perform his duties in a lawful and ethical manner.

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It is required that two investigators go together when conducting surveillance operations especially when it is mobile surveillance. No matter how well trained the investigators are, there are no guarantees on surveillance but the risk is gradually reduced when the required private investigators are used on operations. When they are conducting operations to assess the capabilities of the subject, it is important that these are carried out in a discrete manner and by recognizing the relevant legislation.

Preventing fraudulent criminals from abusing the system is something that most insurance fraud victims cannot be solved. But these private investigators can actually prove when people commit insurance fraud and they can report these abusers to the right authorities.

Through surveillance, interviews, and various other investigator techniques, an investigator can determine if injuries and property loss are valid or fraudulent.

It is through their hard work that private investigators are able to prove that insurance fraud has occurred and they use means such as providing videos, pictures, and detailed reports to authorities to prove their claim. Not only will the client save money by not paying fraudulent claims, but also scam artists are prevented from receiving undeserved monetary reward for their fraudulent insurance claims.

Some other examples of fraudulent insurance claims include workers compensation fraud, staged accidents, arson, and false or exaggerated theft reports. In workers comp insurance there are a lot of ways that fraud can be committed including submission of multiple claims in the past, an injury with no witnesses, medical treatment was delayed, different stories on how the accident occurred, medical reports were altered, disgruntled employee or anew hire with questionable work history.

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