
Green Architecture, and Smart Design

choose the right doorknob

Upgrade Your Entrance: Easy Steps to Replace a Doorknob

Upgrade Your Entrance: Easy Steps to Replace a Doorknob

Enhancing your home’s aesthetic starts with small yet impactful changes. Follow this step-by-step guide to effortlessly replace a doorknob and elevate the overall appeal of your doors.

Assessing the Existing Doorknob:
Before diving into the replacement process, assess the existing doorknob. Determine if it’s a passage, privacy, or keyed doorknob. This assessment helps you choose a suitable replacement and ensures compatibility with the door’s function.

Gathering the Right Tools:
Ensure you have the necessary tools for the replacement. Common tools include a screwdriver, tape measure, and possibly a drill. Verify the requirements based on the new doorknob’s installation instructions, and have everything ready before starting the project.

Selecting the Replacement Doorknob:
Choose a replacement doorknob that complements your home’s style and meets your functional needs. Consider finishes, designs, and security features. Take note of the doorknob’s backset measurement, ensuring it matches