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Living Room Design Mistakes to Avoid

Living Room Design Mistakes to Avoid

Interior designers who are planning to design a living room will put a lot of time and effort into the planning process and for good reasons too. A lot of living room decorations and design mistakes will often be made unconsciously and we will never realize it until it is too late. There are some things that you can try to keep in mind to avoid these kinds of mistakes in the long run.

The number one thing that many people often don’t realize when decorating and designing their living space is that they are doing it so that it matches their focal feature in their home. For many people, this focal point in the living room will be either the fireplace or the big screen flat panel television. This is a mistake that you should absolutely try to avoid. Try taking a different outlook and think of your entire living room as the main focal point.

Some of us tend to over decorate our living area with unnecessary things that just don’t seem to fit in anywhere, but we still try to make it work. Sometimes there are some decorations in the home that just seems to stand out and look very tacky. In many cases, you should try to design your living room with the idea that “less is more”.

A thing that most living rooms and family rooms have is a large floor rug. Sometimes, people just simply slap a large rug dead in the center of their living room and leave it at that, but you shouldn’t do that because it seems very sloppy and makes it look like you didn’t put any thought into the placement of the rug. Good design practices entails that you should always place your rug in such a way that allows some pieces of furniture such as a part of your couch, coffee table, or small table to sit on top of the rug. This will give the impression that everything is connected to one another is all coherent.

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A last thing that you should always try to avoid is mismatching your furniture. Always buy either a complete sofa set with matching coffee tables or if you prefer to buy individual pieces, then make sure that they will all match each other and look uniform.

By following some of these very simple living room design advice, you can ensure that you living area does not look odd or out of place. To your visitors, everything will look like it was thoughtfully planned out.