
Green Architecture, and Smart Design

Dual-Purpose Decor for Space-Saving Home Decor in Portland
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Keeping the Pool in The Best Condition

Owning a pool offers a way to have fun with your family and a way to exercise by swimming in the water. However, if you don’t maintain your pool, then the water can become cloudy and unhealthy for swimming. If you follow a few maintenance tips, you can have a pool with clean water and equipment that operates as it should all the time.

One of the things that you should do at least once a week is checking the chemistry of the water. The pH value should range between 7.2 and 7.8. As the values get lower, you will need to add less chlorine to your pool. When the pH values rise, chlorine doesn’t work as much as it does when the levels are lower.

Check the skimmer basket to make sure there are no leaves or even small animals there. This is a basket that will remove items from the surface of the pool water. It’s best to check the basket once a week, but if it has rained or if there has been a lot of wind, then you should check it more often to remove the debris that accumulates. You should also check the filters to ensure that they aren’t blocked with debris as well. When you check the filters and the lint pot, turn off the pump to prevent the pressure from causing injuries to your hands or fingers.

Although it might sound like something you would do anyway, checking the water level is a tip that some people don’t think about. If you notice a decrease in the water level, contact a pool maintenance Seattle WA company that can come to the home to look for any damages that could result in a loss of water. Sometimes, a crack could develop along the side of the pool that you don’t see that results in water loss. The water needs to be at a certain level for the skimmer and the filters to work as they should.

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Clean the liner on a weekly basis. Examine the floor of the pool to ensure that there is no debris settling as this could be an indication that the filter isn’t working like it should. You can get a vacuum to clean the floor of the pool if you don’t want to use any of the longer tools that are available to clean the floor. Examine the clarity if the pool to see whether it’s cloudy or not. If it is cloudy, then you might want to consider adding a treatment that will shock the water to get it clear again. Pay attention to the smell of the water. Any abnormal smells could mean that there is something clogging the drain or the filters. Any chemicals for the pool should be kept in an area where the sun won’t shine on them. After checking the water and the pool components, check the ladder and the area around the pool to ensure that there is a secure fit, preventing injuries while people are walking around the edge of the pool or getting in the water.