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Summer Camp FAQs

Is your child already clamoring for a summer camp? Well, before letting him or her to go into this kind of activity, it is best to ask yourself some questions to be able to have an idea if they’re really camp ready.

Question number 1. Is your child okay sleeping away from home – has your kid had spent time sleeping away from home like at their friend’s or grandparent’s home and is he/she comfortable at sleepovers with groups of kids or does he/she ask to go home in middle of the night? If your child does well in staying elsewhere, then he or she has a great chance of adjusting easily to the camp despite the fact that summer camps have long stretch of time.

Question number 2. Is your little one independent – being at a sleepaway require certain independence from the child. Kids must be able to learn how to take care of their belongings and of themselves with minimal supervisions. From keeping track of clothes, figuring out camp schedules and brushing teeth are some of the basic skills to which your child will need at the camp. Campers are still expected to be independent and responsible even for basics of cabin living although there are counselors who will supervise and help them out.

Question number 3. Does your kid easily adjust to new situations – does your child is able to adjust to situations and places and does he/she make friends quickly? If yes, then it is likely that he/she will have easy transition to new settings, acquaintances and routines of the summer camp. A child on the other hand who is warming up and tends to be a homebody may need help to adjust to sleepaway camp experience. In this regard, going to camps with friends or attending the same camp as sibling can be helpful.

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Question number 4. Can your future camper know how to follow directions – cooperating with the counselors, adult leaders and other staffs is one part of being at camp. Your child has to be able and read to follow directions and should treat the staffs with respect. Campers can learn so many things at the camp from climbing, swimming, sailing, gymnastics, canoeing and so on. And to be able to have the most of the experience, campers should be a good listener and cooperate with leaders and instructors.

Question number 5. Does the camp have short sessions – as a matter of fact, there are camps that are offering the option of shorter sessions for first time campers.

Remember these questions in mind before letting your child to be in a summer camp to ensure that they’ll get the most of it.
