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How to Keep Your Feet Healthy. The first thing that you should do is to wash the blisters properly and then dry them up. After that you should then apply some antiseptic ointment to help in healing process. Mare sure that you don’t break the blisters as you may end up causing more injuries. Apart from that you should also apply band air range in the pressure points to prevent the shoe from rubbing the blisters. You should also wear wider footwear especially in the box area to prevent bunion pain. In addition to that you can also control it by applying protective gel coverings to prevent the footwear from coming into contact with the paining part. This is going to help you in reducing the pressure in the joints so that it does not swell or become infected. Another thing that you should do is to apply cream with high urea content to control dry skin. Do not use waxy preparations or acid preparations that are not good for your foot as they will make your skin to become dry.
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There is a special category of people, the diabetics who should visit a doctor to determine the problem you have in the foot . The doctor will then guide you on the best treatment method. People with diabetics their feet should be washed, cleaned, and inspected regularly for bruises, cuts or infections.
A Quick Overlook of Health – Your Cheatsheet
Another measure is that you should change your footwear regularly and allow them to dry up. It will keep you free from fungal infections. Besides that, you should also wash your socks with boiled water. It is also important that you change your bathroom towel regularly. This measure is going to ensure that other parts of the body are not infected with fungi. It is necessary since a bacteria or fungi may lay dormant on the towel for a long period of time. Putting the right footwear is also important in keeping your foot healthy. This one is necessary especially when bathing in public bathroom to prevent you from contracting athlete’s foot or wart infections. Make sure that your sandals cover your foot properly. You can also soak your feet in a warm salty water. By doing this you will control both the skin and nail fungal infections. With this you will also be able to see other skin infections which might be hiding. You can either use a sea salt or epsom salt. It is also important to use foot spas to massage your feet. You find that these spas contain some jets and massaging elements that make your feet feel pampered. Apart from that you should also use a foot file to smoothen the heels before applying the cream. After that you can use bed socks to cover your feet so that it can absorb the cream.

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