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5 Hazardous Materials Found During Demolition and How to Safely Dispose Them

When it comes to demolition in Sydney, safety should always be a top priority. Demolishing a structure is not just about tearing it down; it’s also about handling the potentially hazardous materials that may be lurking within. Australian standards emphasise the importance of safe and responsible demolition practices. In this blog, we’ll explore five hazardous materials commonly encountered during demolition in Sydney and the proper methods for their safe disposal.

  1. Asbestos

Asbestos is perhaps one of the most well-known hazardous materials in the construction industry, and it was widely used in Australia until December 2003. When demolishing older structures, there’s a significant risk of encountering asbestos-containing materials like roofing, insulation, and siding. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to severe health issues, including lung cancer and asbestosis.

Safe Disposal – Prior to any demolition, a thorough asbestos survey should be conducted. If asbestos is found, it must be carefully removed and disposed of by licensed professionals following Australian regulations. Asbestos waste is typically sealed in containers and transported to approved disposal facilities.

  1. Lead-Based Paint

Lead-based paint is commonly used in older buildings, and its presence can pose serious health risks, especially to children. During demolition, lead-based paint can become airborne in the form of dust and particles.

Safe DisposalDemolition companies in Sydney should take precautions to minimise the generation of lead dust during the process. Proper containment, wet methods, and protective gear should be used. Lead-based paint debris should be collected and disposed of as hazardous waste.

  1. Mercury

Mercury is often found in older thermostats, fluorescent lighting, and electrical switches. When these items are not handled correctly during demolition, they can release toxic mercury vapours.

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Safe Disposal – Demolition companies should identify and safely remove mercury-containing devices. These devices should be sealed in airtight containers and disposed of at facilities designed for hazardous waste.

  1. PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls)

PCBs were used in electrical equipment and insulation until their ban in the 1970s. When demolishing older structures, PCB-containing materials can be encountered, posing a threat to both human health and the environment.

Safe Disposal – PCB-containing materials should be removed by trained professionals and transported to authorised facilities for proper disposal. This is crucial to prevent soil and water contamination.

  1. Hazardous Construction Chemicals

Various hazardous chemicals, such as solvents, adhesives, and paints, may be present in the building materials used in construction. When these materials are disrupted during demolition, they can release harmful fumes and substances.

Safe Disposal – Careful inventory and labelling of hazardous construction chemicals are essential. Demolition workers should wear appropriate protective gear, and any hazardous materials should be disposed of according to Australian regulations.

The Bottom Line

Demolishing a building in Sydney involves much more than just bringing down walls. It requires a thorough understanding of the hazardous materials that may be present and strict adherence to Australian standards for their safe disposal. To ensure a safe and environmentally responsible house demolition in Sydney, it’s crucial to hire reputable demolition companies that have the expertise and experience to handle these hazardous materials with care and compliance.