
Green Architecture, and Smart Design

General Articles

General Articles

Learning How to Create The Perfect Garden

Gardening can be a wonderful thing as long as you have the right gardening tools, fertilizer, and the flowers of your choice. By not having these things you can end up killing the flowers you have purchased as they need the right nutrients and correct tools for them to strive in their environment. Before you try and speed up the process and quickly plant your flowers, be sure to keep in mind that they are delicate and need all of your patience so they can bloom and grow healthy.

All The Right Gardening Tools

Using the correct gardening tools is very important when planting flowers as you will need something to break the soil up finely and dig deep enough for the flower to be able to grow to its fullest height. Some tools that will help you plant the best garden are trowels, spades, shovels, and pruners. If you …

General Articles

Excess Downlight at Home

Downlight, you certainly know it? Downlight is one type of lamp that can not only be used at home but also commercial buildings such as malls, apartments, hotels, offices and so forth. Why are downlights so popular? This is certainly due to the advantages offered by itself. Want to know? Here are the advantages of it!


Lighting becomes Focused

Downlight / Recessed light is a lamp that is installed into the ceiling or ceiling of the house. Downlights with what is commonly referred to as “eyeballs” can allow homeowners to set a bright direction. Light can focus on any object you want. Whether it is a work of art, family photographs, architectural features such as a fireplace or a bookcase and so on. If the item you want to highlight is large enough, then you need additional equipment to make it easy.

Lighter Rays with Halogen Lamps

Lighting using a …

General Articles

Tips for Home Always Clean Every Day

Have you ever felt embarrassed when your friends or guests replied to your home in a state of disarray? One minute neatly, a few minutes later a mess. It sucks is not it? Home will feel more pleasant and comfortable if the situation is more neat and clean. In addition, a clean and neat house is one of the criteria for a healthy home.

Is it difficult to create a clean and tidy house? The answer is no! You can get it by changing your habits and keeping the house neat. How to? Here are some tips to keep the house clean and tidy you can do!


Clean the Bed

The first place you start if you want tips on managing a neat and clean house is your own bedroom. Why is that? The bedroom may be a place where one can spend the most time. Whether to sleep, just …

General Articles

Commercial Refrigeration and Food Safety

Food safety has become a much-discussed subject with the explosion of food borne illnesses in restaurants, grocery stores and other places that sell fresh and prepared foods. Illnesses spread by food are usually nothing that healthy adults cannot endure with no permanent damage to the body. Children, the elderly and those with poorly functioning immune systems are at a much higher risk, can become much sicker than healthy adults and some will actually succumb to the sickness and lose their life. Food safety can be a life or death situation for certain people, and it is taken much more seriously than in the past.

Food Safety While Preparing and Cooking Food

Preparation of ready-to-eat foods can be a dangerous, and some very basic rules can reduce the incidents of food poisoning in restaurants and from caterers. Foods that are cooked long enough in a temperature that is high enough can …

General Articles

The Different Types of Retractable Screens and Awnings Available Today

Many businesses find retractable screens and awnings to be a useful and appealing addition to their office or storefront. Any business owner operating in the Frankfort, Kentucky area should consider retractable screens frankfort ky installation for their own operations. These are functional, raise brand and store visibility to passing by people who could become customers, and give good protection to clients from such bad weather as snow, rain, and hot sun. These commercial grade screens and awnings come in a range of frame styles and fabric colors. They are typically custom created to match the building size, space, and image. We look at some of the different types of retractable screens below.

Storefront Door Awnings

These give attractive brand identity to your business entrance as they protect both your customers and employees from the harsh weather elements. With many businesses, their display merchandise is sensitive to the ravages of the …