
Green Architecture, and Smart Design

Month: August 2018

General Articles

Seven Hidden Dangers Putting Your Bare Feet at Risk

Primitive human beings walked barefoot their entire lives. In fact, there are some regions of the world where people still walk barefoot most of the time.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of risks associated with walking without footwear. Just think about all the insects and bugs that might chew on your feet.

For instance, if you were to walk on an ant hill, you’d end up with painful sores all over your feet within seconds. And if that soil is contaminated, then you run the risk of getting an infection.

But the most obvious problem comes from what you’re liable to step on with your bare feet. The ground can contain rocks, glass or any other hard debris that could injure the bottoms of your feet. Then, you might not be able to walk for days, weeks or sometimes even months.

On the other hand, there are some people who …

General Articles

Advantages Of Timber Oak Framed Building Structures

When you are currently considering to use oak timber frames for your home or building, it’s essential to understand the pros and cons of selecting timber over a masonry approach. It’s important for you to analyze the pros and cons of using timber over other types of materials.

However, whatever approach you will choose will depend on the type of project you will have, including the requirements and specifications. You also need to consider about the budget and deadlines.

If you decide to utilise oak kit frames, you should check out the following:

Easy Construction

Most of the time, the biggest factor to consider for construction is the ease of construction as well as the speed of it. Oak framed structures fall under this category. It will only take a couple of days for a timber frame building to be accomplished rather than the usual weeks when a building

General Articles

7 Clever Tips to Make the Most of a Tight Space

As property prices skyrocket, it’s no surprise to find foldable tables, hidden compartments and other space-saving furnishings gaining popularity. After all, fewer square metres typically cost fewer dollars. But where do you put everything when you downsize?

However, many of these specialised furnishings are expensive as the concept of compact living spaces is trending. Fortunately, you can make the most out of the available space with the following methods:

1. Painting in Tight Quarters

A paintbrush won’t always fit in the small space between your stair balusters and the wall. For these instances, you can consider trimming the edges of your paint stir stick so you can attach a paint pad and use it just like a flatter version of your paintbrush.

2. Driving Nails and Screws in Small Spaces

Instead of hammering nails or screws in the usual way, you will need a different technique to do so in …

Practical and Helpful Tips: Lease

The Benefits of Cell Tower Lease Buyout

With the continuously evolving technological advancements, wireless carriers are surely one of the advancements that have created a big impact in the society. Wireless carrier companies make sure that they decide for what is best for their company, such as choosing to build a tower or considering to rent on a rooftop. This website will be tackling about cell tower lease buyout in order to equip you with the right knowledge in case you will be dealing with the same situation. When the time comes that a wireless carrier would want to rent in your place, you already know what to do. Read more here so that you will be equipped with enough knowledge that you can use later on.

If you have encountered the term lease prepayment, it actually is also called as cell tower lease buyout. Through a cell tower lease …

General Articles

Keep Your Home Safe Without Sacrificing Comfort and Beauty

Keeping your home safe as well as maintaining your privacy is a top priority. You want to do all you can to achieve this, but you hate the idea of installing unsightly cameras, lighting, and fences. There is no need to worry. Advancements in today’a technology have made it possible to use these items without distracting from the look of your home.


When you think about home security cameras, you are probably picturing the large devices found on many businesses. These would be unsightly on anyone’s home. Fortunately, today’s home security cameras are small and compact. They are tiny enough that they don’t interfere with the decor. Link them to your phone, and you’ll be able to watch your property from anywhere.


A good fence is the best way to maintain privacy, but dealing with the inconvenience can leave you wondering if it is worth it. Wood privacy …