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Facts About Laser Hair Removal Therapy

For the past few years, the laser hair removal technology have made considerable strides in enhancing better life for many, and especially the female people with male hair growth pattern. In fact, removal of hair that grows in unwanted parts of your body by laser is a significant achievement as compared to the older treatment approaches such as the electrolysis.

This kind of therapy has restored hope for many who felt embarrassed by the fact that hair could grow in areas where they shouldn’t.

With that in mind, there are several crucial elements that you need to know concerning the laser hair removal treatment.

To begin with, it is crucial that you know how the laser technology works to eliminate unwanted hair in your body. It encompasses the use of laser beams explicitly focused on your hair follicle. The intense ray of light concentrated at the bottom of the hair follicle creates substantial heat inside it.

The laser rays is focused mainly on the hair shaft, burning it, thus bringing about thermal damage to the hair follicle alone without interfering with the surrounding tissues. The success when it comes to this form of treatment is highly dependent on the concentration of melanin found in your hair.

Laser treatment is effective with hair that has abundant melanin. Contrary to that, ginger hair is less efficient when treated with laser rays, and worse of all, grey, white and platinum blonde hair cannot respond to this form of treatment completely.


There must be a considerable length of hair for laser rays to travel along the shaft to the hair follicle successfully. It is crucial, thus, that you avoid plucking the unwanted hair if you are scheduled for this kind of therapy.

For efficient laser hair removal treatment, you should consult cosmetologist that you can find. Enquire about their prices and also where the treatment will take place, whether at the comfort of your home or a medical facility. Other than their cost and the location of treatment, you need to find out if the medical professional you have been given has credible expertise and knowledge when it comes to laser hair removal therapy.

Also, it is crucial that you find out the significant side effects of this type of treatment if there are some and how you will go about them. One fact that is certain is that this therapy does not cause cancer in any way. Nevertheless, the penetrative mechanisms the laser hair removal therapy uses can hurt your eyes leading to loss of sight. Therefore, you will need to wear your protective glasses before the process.

Other common side effects include the growth of pale blotches owing to the extreme exposure of the laser rays and blister formation due to intense heat from the laser equipment.

Although laser hair removal cosmetic therapy is considered one of the most efficient way to remove unwanted hair, its treatment effects are not long lasting. Laser treatment can only slow the re-growth so that it can take several months to years before they are seen. And when they grow again, they will just be thinner as compared to the ones prior to the laser treatment.

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