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How Ketogenic Diet Works

Ketogenic diet tends to be low in carbohydrates. Ketones tend to be produced in the liver and later used by the body. As a result, any diet low in carbohydrates is referred to as a keto diet or a ketogenic diet. As a result of reducing carbohydrates levels in the body, the body is forced to generate energy from fats stored in the body. The body tends to break the carbohydrates into glucose where the body uses insulin to transport carbs across the body where it is either used or transported across the body. The body tends to have an easy time when converting glucose into energy at any time and hence tend to be the body’s priority source of energy. In a case where one consumes enough amounts of carbohydrates, he or she has high chances of having the fat reserves never used by the body.

Assuming one reduced carbohydrate intake in the body, he or she would force his or her body into ketosis. One would need to note that ketosis as a process tend to activate the moment one does not take food for a long period. For the body to continue working normally, the energy used to fuel the body tends to be gotten through breaking down of fats in the body. The body continues to receive energy to fuel it but not from carbohydrates but the fats. Any individual would therefore adopt a keto diet with the intention of forcing the body into a metabolic state which will force it to produce ketones. One would need to adopt keto diet to avoid hunger and at the same time burn fats in the body. Bearing in mind that a body can function normally even without carbohydrates, saturation of the body with proteins and fats tend to make them burn ketones as the main source of energy.

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Keto diet tends to help one cut on weight in such a way that carbohydrates in the body tend to be reduced making the body to acquire energy from fats, breaking them and hence cutting on fat reserves in the body. One would also need to note that. In a case where one goes for keto diet, he or she tends to activate the use of fats in his or her body and hence reduce weight and at the same time reduce chances of becoming obese. Among the advantages of the keto diet include improvement of cholesterol, improving blood sugars, decreases hunger and at the same time increases weight loss. It would therefore be essentiall for anyone trying to cut weight to try keto diet.

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